Sunday, September 30, 2007

What to Write When You Don't Know What to Write About

Right now I have no idea what to write about! It's like so much happens & .......????? Where do I start? So, I'll just list some random things that have happened recently:

*On Thursday, Carver asked me, "What to you wish?" That really got me thinking. What do I wish for myself? How are my wishes different for God's plans for me? Should they be? Should I even wish for things? Anyway, I listed I few things...I wish I knew Spanish, I wish I had my drivers licence, etc. Than he popped this one on me: "Do you wish you had contacts?" I told him no, since I don't even have glasses I don't want contacts. :-)

*On Friday, Carver took his second Light Unit test & again past with 100%! Hooray for Carver!

* Friday evening was Youth Night in Anasco. We Barcolenettaites journeyed the hour & half to Craig & Kari's for Piazza, brownies, & lots'o fun. Craig had devotions on brokenness in the Christian life, which really spoke to me. Then we sang in English & Spanish while Luke played the guitar & Samuel the keyboard. Games topped the night off: pancake flipping relays, Bible trivia, & running around with marbles balanced on spoons. *Priceless*

* Twins Adam & Amanda & I stayed the weekend in Anasco. I think we all had a great time! I'd give you more details of our grand adventures, but it would take to long, so I'll only mention one- Amanda, Jessica, & Johanna went shopping on Sat. & ended up at Boarders bookstore. The other girls were in the checkout line while I continued to browse, an older man stopped me & started taking to me in Spanglish. He asked if we girls believe in Jesus and are saved, I said yes. He continued on to tell me how beautiful we were & how holy we looked with no make-up, etc. He said he could tell but our eyes we were Christians. Wow. It really makes you think about your witness by just being out in the community.


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