Sunday, September 30, 2007

What to Write When You Don't Know What to Write About

Right now I have no idea what to write about! It's like so much happens & .......????? Where do I start? So, I'll just list some random things that have happened recently:

*On Thursday, Carver asked me, "What to you wish?" That really got me thinking. What do I wish for myself? How are my wishes different for God's plans for me? Should they be? Should I even wish for things? Anyway, I listed I few things...I wish I knew Spanish, I wish I had my drivers licence, etc. Than he popped this one on me: "Do you wish you had contacts?" I told him no, since I don't even have glasses I don't want contacts. :-)

*On Friday, Carver took his second Light Unit test & again past with 100%! Hooray for Carver!

* Friday evening was Youth Night in Anasco. We Barcolenettaites journeyed the hour & half to Craig & Kari's for Piazza, brownies, & lots'o fun. Craig had devotions on brokenness in the Christian life, which really spoke to me. Then we sang in English & Spanish while Luke played the guitar & Samuel the keyboard. Games topped the night off: pancake flipping relays, Bible trivia, & running around with marbles balanced on spoons. *Priceless*

* Twins Adam & Amanda & I stayed the weekend in Anasco. I think we all had a great time! I'd give you more details of our grand adventures, but it would take to long, so I'll only mention one- Amanda, Jessica, & Johanna went shopping on Sat. & ended up at Boarders bookstore. The other girls were in the checkout line while I continued to browse, an older man stopped me & started taking to me in Spanglish. He asked if we girls believe in Jesus and are saved, I said yes. He continued on to tell me how beautiful we were & how holy we looked with no make-up, etc. He said he could tell but our eyes we were Christians. Wow. It really makes you think about your witness by just being out in the community.


Friday, September 21, 2007

The Potter's Hand

If ya'll ever get a hold of the Nathan Good family's CD it will make a great edition to your A Capella singing collection. Carver, my student, is the son of Nathan's oldest daughter, Jewel. So I got to meet Nathan & Mildred in early September, & I really enjoyed them. :-) Then Benji & his girl friend Ann came down in mid-September. By the way, Ann was a student of Linda when she taught first grade. There a great family! Anyway, enough of this Mennonite circle stuff. This song has come to mean a lot to me:

The Potter's Hand

Beautiful Lord,
Wonderful Savior,
I know for sure,
all of my days are held in your hand,
Crafted into your perfect plan.
You gently call me into Your presence,
guiding me by Your Holy Spirit.
Teach me, dear Lord, to live all of my life through Your eyes.
I'm captured by Your holy calling.
Set me apart,
I know Your drawing me to Yourself.
Lead me, Lord, I pray.
Take me, mold me, use me, fill me;
I give my life to the Potter's hand.
Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me;
I give my life to the Potter's hand.